June 2 - 4, 2010    Phoenix AZ , USA
The Catholic Media Convention brings together members of the Catholic Press Association and the Catholic Academy for Communication Arts Professionals- professionals in the fields of Catholic print and audiovisual communications, as well as Catholic communications/public relations directors - for the purpose of spiritual, economic and professional development. Both organizations present – during the meeting - awards recognizing excellence among their membership.

Each day of the meeting includes the celebration of Liturgy, with the Catholic Mass on the Friday of the meeting recalling in a special way members of the Catholic Press Association and Catholic Academy who have died in the year since the last spring meeting of these two organizations.


Location: The Crowne Plaza San Marcos Golf Resort
The Crowne Plaza San Marcos Golf Resort set the standard for luxury in the Grand Canyon State. The Crowne Plaza San Marcos Golf Resort was the first golf resort in Arizona, and has been a landmark..
Contact One San Marcos Pl., Chandler, AZ 85225 Phoenix , USA
(480) 812-0900

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