June 23 - 25, 2011    Chicago IL , USA
Who can attend CALGB meetings?

* The Committee Meetings, held in March and September, are considered closed, working meetings for the committee members and invited guests. The chair of each committee may extend an invitation to some guests to attend, based on the agenda for that particular meeting.
* The Group Meetings are intended for the CALGB membership and are open to all members of the study team and interested attendees.
* The CRA Orientation is designed for new Clinical Research Associates (CRAs) and is held annually. A new CRA is one who has been in employment as a CALGB CRA for one year or less and who devotes a minimum of 25% of their time to CALGB-related work. Invitations are directed through Principle Investigators and Lead CRAs to appropriate new CRAs.


Location: The Sheraton Boston Hotel
Contact 540 N Ave. Chicago , USA

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CALGB 2010 Summer Group Meeting June 23 - 25, 2011
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