October 26 - 27, 2011    NO CITY , Japan
The 8th annual International New Exploratory Technologies Conference will be held together with Japan Jisso Forum in October 26-27, 2011 in Nagano, Japan.

NEXT (New Exploratory Technologies) conference has been held 7 times alternative years in Finland and Far East. It has concentrated on the new topical technologies in the field of electronics, packaging, manufacturing as well as energy and biotechnologies. The conference has established its position by introducing novelties as well as gathering experts on multi-disciplinary fields together.

NJF (Nagano Jisso Forum) conference has concentrated on new electronics packaging technologies as well as manufacturing technologies. In recent years, especially LED technology has played an important role. These two conferences have found synergies especially in the field of “green technology” for example by utilizing rapidly evolving LED technology.


Location: Shinshu University
Contact Nagano, Japan NO CITY , Japan