February 2 - 4, 2014    Orlando FL , USA

Challenges and opportunities in academic drug discovery
2. Fundamentals of medicinal chemistry relevant to drug discovery for neurodegenerative diseases
3. Newest trends in assay development and high throughput screening (HTS)
4. Go-no-go criteria for preclinical development, including pharmacokinetic behavior of candidate compounds, aqueous solubility, blood-brain barrier permeability, preliminary safety, and manufacturing issues
5. Study design considerations for animal model experiments
6. Biologics for challenging CNS targets and strategies to optimize brain delivery
7. Requirements for an Investigational New Drug (IND) application
8. Commercialization strategies for developing science into products
9. Best practices for working with tech transfer offices, managing intellectual property, and the role of funding organizations
Funding & resources for preclinical therapeutics development for neurological disorders


Location: Miami Beach Resort & Spa
Contact 4833 Collins Ave. Orlando , USA

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