June 8 - 10, 2015    Genval , Belgium
With the growth in cross border e-commerce, its implications for customs and security processes, continued examples of postal diversification strategies, and the need to become more and more environmentally friendly are clearly the hot topics for 2015.

Join us at the 2015 World Mail and Express Europe Conference and Exhibition being held at the magnificent Château du Lac, on the shore of Lake Genval, Belgium and be involved in the debate of these issues with industry leaders and see how far new approaches are emerging.

With confirmed speakers being CEO’s and Senior Executives from posts and parcel operators across Europe, the conference agenda will delve in detail into the challenges they face with the Universal Service, and how delivery is being re-defined.

Our exclusive showcase exhibition brings together the best technology and service providers, as well as operators, who will be presenting the latest products and services available to the mail and express industry.


Location: Chateau du Lac
Contact Avenue du Lac 87 1332 Belgium Genval , Belgium


Triangle Management Services Ltd
4 The Courtyard, Furlong Road, Bourne End, Bucks, SL85AU, UK
+44 (0)1628 642 910

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