October 14 - 15, 2013    Houston TX , USA
Medtech Polymers 2013 is a premier forum designed to tackle the industry’s most critical concerns over the use of polymers in medical devices and discover new areas for investment and opportunity.

1. Market trends, consumer demographics and their impact on the future demand for new applications and enhanced medical polymers
2. Validation, testing and requirements in considering polymers for applications in surgical devices
3. Failure analysis for polymeric material problems related to polymer additives, mechanical failures, contaminants, weathering, or residual stresses
4. End user expectations and how to incorporate new polymer technologies for better medical devices in and out of the operating room
5. Exploring the latest applications for polymers being considered in the broad area of biomedical nanotechnology

Onsite Rate: $1099.00
Standard Rate: $999.00
Early Bird Rate (ends 9/13): $899.00

Conference Speakers
Nadine Ding
Michael Drues
Dennis Jamiolkowski
Dr. Lisa Jennings
Jeffrey Koslosky
Dr. Susan Neadle
H. Ralph Rawls
Ryan Siskey
Steve Spiegelberg
and many more...


Location: Reliant Center
Offering over 706,000 square feet of contiguous single-level exhibit space divisible into 11 separate halls, Reliant Center boasts 61 meeting rooms configurable into over 100 variations, 2 major..
Contact One Reliant Park , TX 77054 Houston , USA
+1 (800) 776-4995 (832) 667-1400

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