27 April, 2014    Bangalore , India
Education Worldwide India Fairs are the most sought after education fairs in India and in the past these fairs have been extended to more than 30 cities all over India. With an experience of 196 such fairs GEEPL has always worked on the concept of reaching students in the cities with limited educational options.

MARKET overview
• Significantly emerging market of INDIA & NEPAL.
• 30 million students in higher education.
• Growing demand of flexible learning programs.
• 50% increase in government student loans for further education.
• Nation are serious about upgrading the quality of education.
• Notable interest among education institutions in India, Nepal & abroad
to form alliances & partnership.

Over 3200 academic institutions from 45 countries have participated in
Education Worldwide Fairs, thus making it the most sought after Education Fair in India & Nepal covering the most potential cities in one go.

The demand for quality education is very high amongst Indian students and EDUCATION WORLDWIDE FAIRS aim to provide up-to-date information regarding world-class education opportunities under one roof where students can interact directly with Education Providers from all over the world.


Location: Vivanti by Taj
Soak in the space that's bang in the centre of Bangalore's business and entertainment areas. Drive in from the airport delighting in backseat surprises (we're not revealing here). You'll see how we..
Contact 41/3, Mahatma Gandhi Road Karnataka - 560 001 India Bangalore , India
+91 80 6660 4444