June 17 - 19, 2014    Marseille , France
Since 1997, Congress / / Préventica rooms are organized in the regions of France, at 2 appointments per year. The event is now the national reference for all actors dealing with risks, both in business and in public services.

Allowing thoughts, feedback and professional meetings on the conditions of well-being at work, both on issues of global security companies, Congress / / Salon Préventica fall from their origin in the field of development sustainable organizations.
Experts, managers, executives, politicians, professionals ... are invited to share their experiences.

380 stalls and more than 120 lectures are available to visitors from all sectors: construction, INDUSTRY, HEALTH, RETAIL, COMMERCIAL, ADMINISTRATION, LOCAL ...
Appointment in June 2014 for the 26th edition of National Préventica


Location: Parc Chanot
Parc Chanot, Marseille’s Convention and Exhibition Centre, is proud to belong to this ancient and historic city. Located in the very heart of the city, in a 40 acre park, just five minutes from the..
Contact BP.2 - 13266 Cedex 08 Marseille , France
+33 (0)4 91 76 16 00

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