October 5 - 9, 2010    NO CITY , Libye
In cooperation with The Automobile and Touring Club of Libya, the International Motor Show of Libya (IMSOL) will be organized to be the main Annual Meeting Date for the local Auto sector.
The aim of the Show will be to enable the exhibitors to introduce their products to a large audience in a short time. Also the presence of the Media shall broaden the exposure of the exhibitors beyond the exhibition ground.
The Show will have one Trade & Media day, during which it opens its doors only to professionals and to visitors who have been invited by the organizers or the exhibitors. The show will be opened to the public during the next four days. more...

Lieux de Rendez-Vous

Location: Maitiga Airport
Contact NO CITY , Libya

Evénements Liés

Libya Motor Show October 5 - 9, 2010