September 26 - 27, 2011    Perth , Australie
The New Urbanism International and Smart Transport 2011 Conference aims to inspire and connect professionals, public servants, academics and citizens, bringing international keynote speakers and participants to seek, develop, and exchange views on innovative

New Urbanism, Sustainable Urbanism, Road Management and Transit Oriented Development (TOD). They will share ideas and
experiences to support the community, educational institutes, government bodies and other organisations.

A variety of practical presentations will be made on the conference theme with emphasis on what can be achieved at both global and
local levels, including what individual Perth Local and Australian State Governments may be able to achieve. This is a practitioner
level conference and delegates will gain information that they can implement immediately.
This two-day conference will explore best practice approaches and opportunities for state and local government, developer’s
educational institutes and universities, community, transport, land use organisations and others to enable them to meet the challenges
of improving the application of New Urbanism, Sustainability, Smart Transport and Road Managements and Safety.

We have always been graced by some of the most significant international and local researchers and compelling speakers as we are sure
we will be in September 2011. Come and join us for this international event in Perth.

Lieux de Rendez-Vous

Location: Sheraton Hotel Perth Western Australia
Contact 207 Adelaide Terr. Perth , Australia

Evénements Liés

The New Urbanism & Smart Transport September 26 - 27, 2011