October 10 - 13, 2013     , République Tchéque
The idea of modeler´s selling and contracting exhibition in Czech republic has arisen in year 1992. The exhibition purpose was to support the developing of modeler´s production in our country and to send the message about the quality of czech products to the world. The idea became a reality and in 1992 was held in Palác u Hybernů first year of international exhibition Model Hobby. On 1.250 sqm were participating 35 companies. The first year has been visited by almost 15.000 people. In year 1995 has been changed the place and Model Hobby has been moved to Veletržní palác. The 78 companies were participating on 2.450 sqm and have came 24.000 visitors.

Lieux de Rendez-Vous

Location: Prague Exhibition Grounds
Prague Exhibition Grounds is an area, where various fairs take place. It was built for Jubilee Exhibition in 1891 and there are still many buildings from that time. You can see the Industrial Palace..
Contact 7 – Holesovice Prague , Czech Republic

Evénements Liés

MODEL HOBBY September 29 - October 2, 2011