19 September, 2013    Zurich , Suisse
The NoSQL Search Roadshow offers ideal opportunities for learning, networking and tracking innovations happening in the NoSQL environment including Riak, Neo4j, Hadoop, Cassandra and MongoDB technologies.

At the Roadshow participants will learn about efficient and cheaper NoSQL solutions that manage growing data and that help to improve data availability.

Based on real life scenarios this conference aims to show how new Database solutions can simplify data management problems.
After running the NoSQL Search Roadshow 2013 in Munich, Berlin, San Francisco and Copenhagen the next stop is in Zurich on September 19!

Lieux de Rendez-Vous

Location: Zürich Marriott Hotel
Contact Neumühlequai 42 8006 Zürich Zurich , Switzerland


Trifork Switzerland
Neuhofstrasse 8 CH-8834 Schindellegi
044 768 32 32

Evénements Liés

NoSQL Roadshow in Zurich 19 September, 2013