October 7 - 9, 2014
Applying big data analytic strategies to enhance customer management and operational capability.

The forum will examine how utility companies can tackle critical business challenges using big data and analytics, from optimising network efficiency, reducing operational costs, predicting energy demands, asset maintenance, customer behaviour and engagement.

Join utility companies, experts and leaders as they address the key Big Data and Analytics for Utilities topics including:

Developing enterprise wide big data and analytics architecture to increase value to the business.
Unlocking customer behavioural analytics to maximise customer performance and develop superior energy usage and demand insight.
Understanding how smart grids, smart meters and the data tsunami will change the utility industry and what you can do to prepare.
Improving operational efficiency by turning data into actionable intelligence.
Increasing predictive analytics and develop real-time business intelligence through data analytics.
Leveraging data analytics to minimise risk and improve asset performance and capability.
Plus participate in interactive sessions including roundtables, workgroups, panel debates,demonstration test drives and speed networking.

Stephen Herndlhofer,Régis Hourdouillie,Tim Bailey,Anthony Conway,George Taylor ,Robin Hagermans,Jesper Vinther Christensen and many more...

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IQPC London
IQPC Ltd, 129 Wilton Road, London SW1V 1JZ
+44 (0) 207 368 9300, 0800 652 2363

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