November 18 - 20, 2014    Munich , Allemagne
This event will bring brand protection and anti-counterfeiting experts and peers to develop smart solutions and strategies for the critical brand protection challenges that your business is facing. As you might know your rights can be put at risk within minutes and this interactive forum will help you to learn from your peers and experts how to develop solutions, strategies and programmes to minimise infringements against your brand and goods and to combat new threats.

This forum will include online and social media brand protection, security supply chain integrity, developing cost effective strategies, investigating and shutting down brand infringements and combating counterfeits from global hot-spots. Understanding the latest brand protection trends, legislation and case law, monitoring, shutting down, and litigation cases against counterfeiting, piracy and other points of interest.

2014 Speakers Include
Tatsiana Kuliashova 
Brand Protection Specialist

Celine Eyers 
Senior Legal Counsel

Marcus Jaeger 
IP & Domain Manager

Phil Collins 
Head of Security
Bernard Matthews

D’Arcy Quinn, 
Director, Anti-Counterfeiting

and many more...

Lieux de Rendez-Vous

Location: Hotel Excelsior
Contact Schuetzenstrabe 11, Munchen, Bavaria 80335, Germany Munich , Germany
+49 (0) 89 55 137-0


IQPC London
IQPC Ltd, 129 Wilton Road, London SW1V 1JZ
+44 (0) 207 368 9300, 0800 652 2363