4 February, 2016    San Dirgo CA , Etats-Unis d’Amérique
How is the Internet of Things transforming businesses?

Across the globe, the Internet of Things and the telecom industry is becoming an integral part in key industries such as energy, logistics, healthcare, consumer electronics, manufacturing and building automation.

We invite individuals from all backgrounds: developers, investors, programmers, engineers, system integrators, startups and tech evangelists to attend our SmartConnected USA Roadshow.

Come listen to our sponsors TELUS, KORE Telematics and SAP, learn about the latest developments, have a drink and exchange business cards with other professionals! And maybe even go home with an iPad mini!

Lieux de Rendez-Vous

Location: Stone Brewing World Bistro & Gardens
Contact 2816 Historic Decatur Rd #116, , 92106, United States San Diego , USA



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