May 24 - 26, 2012    Odessa , Ucraina
This exhibition event annually gets the official support of the Ministry of culture and tourism of Ukraine, Odessa regional state administration, Odessa city council. Organizer – “Expo-Yug-Service” Company.

The Main objective of the project is the popularization of the domestic tourist product on the internal and external markets, increasing of cooperation between Ukrainian and foreign enterprises of tourist industry, integration of Ukraine into the world market of tourist services.

Annually in the work of the Assembly take part national and foreign tourist companies, state departments in the sphere of tourism, airlines, hotels, sanatoria, rest houses, childish recreational establishments, entertaining centers. In 2010 more than 130 companies from Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Turkey took part in the work of the project.

Leading event of the International Assembly of tourist business in 2011 will become Odessa Tourist Festival, main target of which is the informing of the citizens and guests of the city about the possibilities’ variety of Ukrainian tourist market, increasing of the visitors’ opinion not only about foreign resorts, but also about fantastic corners of Ukraine, where it is possible to have rest at any year time. In the frame work of the festival all actual tourist directions and routs will be presented. Visitors will open for themselves opportunities for trips and rest in Ukraine and abroad, will be able to use the special exhibition actions and discounts, take part in bright and various program of the festival.

On the stands of the foreign countries representatives citizens and guests of the city will get the detailed information about different types of having rest and recreation in these countries, national specific features, culture, historical and modern sightseeing.

Separate exposition of the exhibition will represent tourist potential of Ukraine


Location: TOURMARKET Hotel
Contatta Odessa , Ukraine