June 22 - 25, 2015    Evanston IL , Stati Uniti
Workshop & Tutorial Proposals
World Haptics Conference 2015 solicits proposals for tutorials and workshops, to be held on June 22, 2015 preceding the full conference. The due date for workshop and tutorial proposals is February 6, 2015.

Tutorials should disseminate knowledge of established research areas that are relevant to the haptics community. Workshops are forums where specific research topics are presented and discussed aimed at extending the normal disciplinary boundaries of haptics. Both tutorials and workshops can have either HALF or FULL day duration, according to proposed plan and covered topics.

January 23, 2015
Technical Paper Submission

February 6, 2015
Workshop & Tutorial Proposal Submission

March 20, 2015
Paper Acceptance Notification

April 10, 2015
Camera-Ready Paper Submission

April 14, 2015
Work-in-Progress Paper and Demonstration Submission

April 28, 2015
Work-in-Progress Paper and Demonstration Acceptance Notification

May 6, 2015
Early Registration


Location: Northwestern University
Contatta 633 Clark Street, , IL 60208, United States Evanston , USA
+1 847-491-3741

Eventi correlati

IEEE Haptics Symposium (HAPTICS) February 23 - 26, 2014