August 16 - 17, 2018
Dermatology Meetings 2018 invites delegates and participants from across all continents to attend the conference on Dermatology which comprises prominent Keynote talks, Oral presentations, Poster presentations and Exhibitions pertinent to the domains of Dermatology and Cosmetology. Dermatology Meetings 2018 convenes Global pioneers in Dermatology, Reconstructive & Plastic Surgery, Hair Care & Transplant experts, skin care & LASER technology, Business approach & trends in Cosmetics, Dermato-oncology & Cosmeceuticals and related fields to present their research at this unique Dermatology Conference. Dermatology Meetings 2018 is hosting presentations from editors of prominent referred journals, renowned and active decision makers in the fields of dermatology and cosmetology. The Organizing Committee Members of Dermatology Meetings 2018 also invites Young Researchers to submit abstracts reporting their latest scientific findings for Poster sessions.


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