April 11 - 13, 2012    Scottsdale AZ , 米国
Hospitality Upgrade's Executive Vendor Summit will be held April 11-13, 2012, at the Hotel Valley Ho in Scottsdale, Arizona. The Summit is an invitation-only event limited to presidents and C-level executives of technology vendors actively involved in the hospitality industry.

In an industry based on competition and partnerships, the Summit offers vendor executives a rare combination of networking, social events and program. At other conferences and tradeshows, vendors are focused on selling products and services. At the Vendor Summit, they are freed to form critical relationships with their peers in a relaxed environment. Don't miss this interactive and ambitious conference in 2012!

There is no fee to attend Hospitality Upgrade's Executive Vendor Summit , but participation is limited to one attendee per company. For questions about attending the Executive Vendor Summit, please contact Kate O’Neil at [email protected] or 678-802-5304.


Location: Hotel Valley Ho
Hotel Valley Ho was cool back in 1956 when it first opened its doors, before Downtown Scottsdale was downtown. It's every bit as chic now, after an expansive but meticulously groomed renovation.
連絡先 6850 E. Main Street , AZ 85251 Scottsdale , USA