July 6 - 15, 2012    Guayaquil , エクアドル
7th Edition Expolibro

While the book fairs in the world, not a case of this century or before, the beginning goes back to the fifteenth century in France and Germany, after the invention of printing and the emergence of the commercial network for the purpose of sell an ever growing number of editions and copies, is in 2006, when Ecuador entered the international circuit of book fairs, through the successful first edition of Expolibro, conducted in the enchanting setting of the Crystal Palace in Guayaquil.

Today, industry and society expects its fourth edition, to which YOU can not miss, and that is where you will meet one more year, the whole industry chain: Writers, Literary Agents, Editors, Graphics, Distributors, Booksellers and countless related to the activity and culture in general.


Location: Palacio de Cristal
連絡先 Guayaquil , Ecuador