October 2 - 4, 2012    Sosnowiec , ポーランド
WIRTOTECHNOLOGIA is Poland’s only trade fair dedicated to a wide range of issues related to Rapid Prototyping in industry, professional engineering systems such as CAD/CAM/CAE as well as metrology.

WIRTOTECHNOLOGIA trade fair is an excellent opportunity to exchange opinions, get familiar with the latest achievements and technologies, as well as establish new business contacts with designers, constructors, technologists and engineers.

If your company is interested in Polish design market - WIRTOTECHNOLOGIA is a place for you.


Location: Expo Silesia
The Council of Expo Silesia is a group of people representing leading economic organizations as well as science and research centres operating in the southern macro-region, i.e. the Silesian,..
連絡先 124 Braci Mieroszweskich St. Sosnowiec , Poland
+48 (0)32/7887500