October 6 - 9, 2010    テヘラン , イラン
9th International Exhibition of Heating, Cooling, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigerating   ( IRAN   HVACR 2010)

Visiting  Hours
9:00 Am - 16:00 Pm

Pump Manufacturing Industries , Air Conditioning Industries , All Types of  Radiator , Steam Boilers and Oven Manufacturing Industries , Pipes Boilers and Oven Manufacturing Industries , Pipes and Fixtures , All Water Heater and Package , Compressor Manufacturing Industries ,  Electromotor Industries & Industrial Ventilators , All types of Gas & Water coolers , Thermostat Manufacturing Industries , Industriesmanufacturing various flares & chillers , All types of cold stores and incubators , Electric & Electronic Instruments , Software & Press , Faucet & Water tools , Contractors & Consultants , Heat Converters Industries , Machinery & Equipments

Participation Cost
Stand area inside:  EUR. -   for each sq
Open Area Stand:  EUR. -   for each sq


Location: Tehran Permanent Fair Ground
連絡先 Tehran , Iran