November 3 - 5, 2011    タシュケント , ウズベキスタン
Trans Uzbekistan exhibition enters series of specialized transportation events, which are being organized by ITE company in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Russia. 

Annual holding of the Trans Uzbekistan exhibition in Uzbekistan promotes development of transportation services, which are being provided by the national companies of various countries, as well as accelerates development of a large spectrum of related services in the field of transportation and logistics of cargo, maintenance and support manning of transportation means. 

IMPORTANT: For the first time, an International Transport and Logistics Forum will be held alongside the exhibition.


Location: Uzexpocentre
“Uzexpocentre” Republican Trade Exhibition Center was established and included in structure of republican complex for international trade in late 1992 according to order of Cabinet of Ministers for..
連絡先 107 Amir Timur Street , 100047 Tashkent , Uzbekistan
+998 71 1344545