April 28 - May 1, 2012    Wels , オーストリア
44,000 riders and horse lovers from Austria and neighboring countries the HORSE catfish make each spring to popular equestrian fair in Austria . Meet on affluent equestrian sports enthusiasts, horse lovers and riders from all disciplines and use the three-day event in catfish to support your sales efforts and image advertising.

The innovative program, countless horse experts, established the thoroughbred Arabian Championships, the unique A Quechua Polo Cup and the second edition of the tournament Equus Ovilava bring additional visitors.


Location: Messe Wels
As a trade fair place, Wels is embedded in one of the economically most powerful and environmentally most conscious regions of Europe – Upper Austria in the heart of Central Europe with its economic..
連絡先 Messehaus 4600 Wels , Austria
+43 (0) 7242 / 9392-0