April 3 - 5, 2013    ローマ , イタリア
Cloud Computing has gained a lot of attention in recent years. It has mostly been used for non Business critical applications like email, or for those Business functions that could be outsourced to a vendor that offers large Business applications in a Software as a Service (SaaS) model. However, it is apparent that the reach of the Cloud is expanding, and many companies are wondering how to plan for more substantial use of Cloud capabilities, such that they won't fall behind their competition.

This seminar will provide an overview of the key Cloud characteristics and capabilities, differentiating between Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS), including a Cloud reference architecture that covers all three types of Cloud. We will then discuss IaaS Cloud concepts based on the offerings of major IaaS vendors such as Microsoft, and a detailed discussion of Amazon Web Services. While these public IaaS Clouds offer substantial benefits, many companies want tighter control and are starting to build private Clouds. We will show what the requirements are, how to approach it, and who the vendors are that can help. Once we understand public and private Cloud we can look at another model that is starting to gain some traction: the hybrid Cloud, where critical Business systems run in a private Cloud, and peak capacity requirements of some applications are handled by public Clouds.

The seminar continues with an in-depth description of PaaS, illustrating how the implementation of Business applications for the Cloud is different from traditional development and deployment of on-premise systems (i.e. behind the firewall). In this context the seminar will also explain the synergy between Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Cloud Computing. We will explain the difficulties of moving applications that are not Service Oriented to the Cloud, and how the design principles of SOA are much better suited f


Location: Residenza di Ripetta
連絡先 via di Ripetta, 231 - 00186 Roma Rome , Italy