October 16 - 17, 2013    サンフランシスコ CA , 米国
Five years ago, Mobilize was the first conference of it’s kind to outline the future of mobility after Apple’s iPhone exploded onto the scene. Today, Mobilize remains at the forefront of the conversation, focusing on the three biggest opportunities for the global mobile community: mobile big data, “the Internet of things,” and BYOD.

Topics we’ll cover include:
• How does mobile big data prompt innovation for world changing apps?
• What are the hot products and business models for “Internet of Things”?
• Where are the gaps and unmet needs in the BYOD market?
- What technologies and platforms will enable developers in IOT?
• What can entrepreneurs and small companies do to maximize new revenues?
• How should enterprise infrastructure be re-planned for a BYOD world?
• Who are the people with the best ideas for the future of mobility?

Woody Benson,Rob Chandhok,Wael Diab,Hugo Fiennes,Paul Gaudio,Michael Halbherr,Usman Haque,Alex Hawkinson and many more.


Location: Mission Bay Community Center
The Mission Bay Conference Center at UCSF is an exciting new meeting and event destination, centered in UCSF's new 43-acre life sciences campus for teaching and research.
連絡先 1675 Owens St, , CA 94158, United States San Francisco , USA
+1 866-431-8273


GigaOM's Mobilize October 16 - 17, 2013