May 27 - 30, 2014    ボストン MA , 米国
AnDevCon is the technical conference for software developers building Android apps. Offering mobile app development training and Android app development tutorials and classes, AnDevCon is the biggest, most info-packed, most practical Android conference in the world. Choose from more than 75 app development classes and in-depth Android development tutorials designed to take your Android development skills to the next level!
More than 40 companies will be exhibiting or sponsoring AnDevCon Boston – previous exhibitors include Google, Amazon, GroupOn, Sony, Adobe, Samsung, Qualcomm, TapJoy, RIM, AT&T, Barnes & Noble, HTC, Intel and dozens of others.

Attend the full four-day conference and receive a certificate indicating the number of classes, tutorials and hours a dedicated Android Developer Training you received at AnDevCon. Hang it on your wall, or just add it to your professional qualifications!


Location: Sheraton Boston Hotel & Towers
連絡先 Prudential Center, 39 Dalton St. Boston , USA