March 25 - 26, 2014
Build your understanding of the structural intricacies of large, complex machines; the interaction between their mechanical, electrical, control & structural systems, & learn strategies for avoiding failures through design, monitoring & control.

Key Learning Outcomes:

Examine the design and structural behaviour of large machinery
Identify the causes of structural failures
Examine how to control machine loads and prevent overloads
nderstand fatigue and fatigue failures
Consider design the construction/quality interaction and trade off
Address how to monitor machinery, assess and manage risk
Respond accurately and effectively to structural problems when discovered
Develop long term strategies for prolonging machine survival

About the Course

This course has been designed to provide participants in the mining, materials handling and related industries who are involved in the management, operation and maintenance of large and/or complex machines, with an understanding of the causes of structural failures, and the strategies for avoiding such failures.

You will review of machinery used in these industries, and the interaction between the mechanical, electrical, control and structural systems which comprise such machines. The effect of these interactions on loads generated and how this is dealt with in design will be used as a basis for addressing the nature and causes of structural failures typically encountered in such machines.

More detailed background will be provided on the structural design of such machines for strength and fatigue. Particular consideration will be given to fatigue behaviour, and the nature and causes of fatigue failures.


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