July 15 - 17, 2014    ラスベガス NV , 米国
Do you need to know how to gain a greater share of the M2M market?

Do you need to know how to successfully exploit different industry verticals?

Do you need to put a strategy in place to fully capitalize on the Big Data generated by M2M?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes then Telecoms IQ’s M2M Forum North America, taking place in Las Vegas from 15-17 July 2014, is the only event in the industry where you will find the answers you are looking for.

M2M Forum North America will showcase innovative M2M case studies from both carriers and end-users as they give first-hand insight into how to move up the M2M 'value stack' and gain a greater share of the revenue. Plus, as pioneers in M2M all gather under one roof, take this chance to network with leaders in the field and determine how to work with your partners to develop a successful M2M business model.

And finally, as the emerging era of Big Data continues to gather momentum, take part in interactive sessions and learn how to manage the vast volume of M2M data and develop a strategy for turning this data into revenue generating business initiatives.

Featured Speakers :
Deutsche Telekom
Niclas Andersson
Director of M2M Sales North America
Deutsche Telekom

Zon Optimus
Carlos Lourenco
Procurement Director
Zon Optimus

Heidi Wilson
Alliances and Partnerships, Machine to Machine
Machina Research

Matt Hatton
Machina Research

Sachin Mahajan
Director of M2M


Location: Las Vegas Convention Center LVCC
The Las Vegas Convention Center is one of the most modern and functional facilities in the world - a 3.2 million square foot facility located within a short distance of more than 100,000 guest rooms...
連絡先 3150 Paradise Rd , NV 89109 Las Vegas , USA
(702) 892-0711


M2M Forum North America July 15 - 17, 2014