June 5 - 6, 2014    ロンドン , 英国
Bringing together thought leaders, speakers, presenters, disruptors and attendees from across the world with a shared passion for creating amazing, happy workplaces that thrive.

There is a movement happening—a shift, where workplaces are emerging that focus on their people—celebrating their individuality and putting them at the centre of carefully crafted responsive and responsible organisations, lighting a beacon for the future of successful workplaces everywhere. We're celebrating that movement and sharing it with the world, so that everyone can benefit.

From company culture to space design, employee engagement, wellness, workplaces, creativity, leadership, gamification and more - we will listen to highly-regarded experts, play with ideas, go hands-on with workshops, debate, discuss and socialise. We're bringing together thought leaders, speakers, presenters, disruptors and attendees from across the world with a shared passion for creating amazing, happy workplaces that thrive.


Location: Cumberland Hotel
連絡先 Marble Arch Twickenham , United Kingdom


All About People Conference June 5 - 6, 2014