November 29 - December 1, 2010    Marrakech , Марокко
8th Maghreb & Mediterranean Oil & Gas Conference, provides unique insights on North Africa’s fast-growing upstream game. It tracks key corporate players, Government strategies, and National Oil Companies, as well as breaking developments in exploration and development in oil and gas-LNG, with seasoned perspectives provided by Global Pacific & Partners. Presentations are by Dr Duncan Clarke (Chairman & CEO, Global Pacific & Partners) the leading strategist on Africa’s upstream, provided in an intensive and interactive forum. Duncan Clarke is author of the widely-acclaimed Crude Continent: The Struggle for Africa’s Oil Prize (Profile Books, 2008), plus The Battle For Barrels (Profile 2007) and Empires Of Oil (Profile, 2007). Participants receive online access to a unique knowledge-base on our e-Conference facility, intimate networking, Luncheon, Cocktails.

Место проведения

Location: Palmer House Hilton
Обратная связь . Marrakech , Morocco

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Maghreb & Mediterranean Oil & Gas Conference November 29 - December 1, 2010