September 6 - 8, 2011    Шеньчжень , Китай
As leaders in providing low-cost electronics, mainland Chinese suppliers offer better sourcing deals that can maximize your retail sales profit. Import the latest technology from these manufacturers who can also produce inventive products to help you keep pace with ever-changing demands in the industry.

Date / Opening Hours / Registration Hours

September 6-8, 2011 / 10:00am - 5:30pm / 9:00am - 5:00pm

Место проведения

Location: Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center
Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center is a super large public construction with multi-functions of hosting exhibitions and conventions, business activities, restaurants, and entertainment events. It..
Обратная связь 3rd Fuhura Road, Futian Centre District Shenzhen , China
+86 755 82848676

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