September 2 - 4, 2012    Брюссель , Бельгия
DECOoh! is the buying and inspiration platform for decorating professionals in Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Luxemburg.

Visit DECOoh! and enter the realm of the senses. Feeling, seeing, hearing, smelling and tasting: you’ll notice this. Light and playful, even a little frivolous here and there. The fair will remain in a festive mood, even after the end of year celebrations. A new spring, a new story and a visit of Cupido. This is the atmosphere that will typify the next edition of DECOoh!. DECOoh! stimulates the senses. DECOoh! inspires. Feast your eyes at Inspirations Square. This and still more, visit us, experience it and let’s party!

Место проведения

Location: Brussels Expo
With its 115,000 m2 of facilities, Brussels Expo is Belgium’s biggest Exhibition Centre. It also reflects the enthusiasm and the energy of the capital of Europe. Brussels and its exhibition centre..
Обратная связь Place du Belgique 1 BE – 1020 Brussels , Belgium
+32 2 474 82 63

Похожие мероприятия

DECOoh! September 1 - 3, 2013
DECOoh! September 2 - 4, 2012
DECOoh! September 4 - 7, 2011