April 6 - 8, 2014    Сан-Франциско CA , США
YTH Live (hashtag #ythlive) is on April 6–8, 2014 at the Hotel Kabuki in San Francisco.

YTH Live brings together more than 500 of the most amazing minds in youth advocacy, health, and technology. During this dynamic event, attendees showcase what works, share ideas and learnings, and launch new collaborations. For many, it sets the agenda for the year to come.

Attendees at the San Francisco event include individuals and organizations running the most cutting edge and effective health programs serving youth and young adults. You’ll meet public health professionals, social entrepreneurs, researchers, youth advocates, educators, government representatives, developers, techies, and more.

Come to YTH Live to find out what’s new, what’s happening right now, and what’s next in the field of advancing youth health through technology. Then, take what you learn back to your communities you serve to improve the lives of youth.

Место проведения

Location: Hotel Kabuki
Обратная связь San Francisco , USA