October 30 - November 1, 2012    明尼阿波利斯 MN , 美国
Introducing the MedTech Cardio Conference, taking place alongside the MD&M Minneapolis event

Applying pioneering innovations and successful compliance strategies to design and develop cutting-edge cardiovascular devices

On October 30 and 31, the inaugural MedTech Cardio 2012 conference gathers thought-leaders to share strategic knowledge and practical guidance on cardiovascular device development.

The inaugural MedTech Cardio 2012 conference is the only industry forum dedicated to R&D, Engineering and Product Development professionals focused on cardiovascular devices. Over two days, you will participate in the sharing and gathering of expert insights from trusted voices to navigate FDA compliance and drive the innovation of medical devices for cardiovascular diseases. Meet experts and join your colleagues right in Minneapolis, the heart of the cardiovascular device industry, to learn the latest developments in high-performance biomaterials, next-generation stents, and polymer use in DES design. Expand your knowledge of drug-coating technologies, mobile and sensor-enhanced CRMs, cardiologist perspectives, best practices for ASTM test methods and device traceability. Plus, complement your trip with further contacts and solution gathering on the show floor at MD&M Minneapolis – the leading tradeshow for the medical device industry. Register by October 5th and save $100

• Keynote Speakers
Dr. Francis Duhay,Dr. Peter Fitzgerald,Josiah Wilcox,Dr. Dave Albert,Syed Hossainy,Dr. Dongming Hou,Robert Tranquillo,Amra Racic and many more.

• List of Exhibitors
3DT LLC,QMed Qualified Supplier,3M Medical Specialties,7-SIGMA Inc.,AbeTech,QMed Qualified Supplier,Accumold Corporation and many more.


Location: Minneapolis Convention Center
A blend of form and function, the Minneapolis Convention Center (MCC) provides aesthetically pleasing and innovative solutions for a variety of conferences, trade shows and events. With nearly 480,000..
联系 1301 Second Avenue South Minneapolis , USA


MedTech Cardio Conference October 28 - 30, 2015
MedTech Cardio Conference October 28 - 30, 2014
MedTech Cardio Conference October 28 - 30, 2013
MedTech Cardio Conference October 30 - November 1, 2012