January 18 - 20, 2013    Rostock , 德国
Travel, individual travel, foreign countries, cruises, relaxing, being active, sports, beach, (wheel) hiking, spa, spa -. All this and much more can be found on the VIVA Touristika & Caravanning Rostock
is the VIVA TOURISTIKA Rostock still and remains the largest tourism fair in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

Focusing on the areas of travel - bike - Camping has been proven. Especially the youngest member of the family - the bicycles and bicycle trips - will be clearly visible in 2013. All types of bikes and many brands will be represented at the show and can on an enlarged course be tested. Above all, the e-bike! campers and caravanners , as always, also come at their expense. New models, many brands, accessories and good used can be viewed in detail. The framework program provides new, high quality multi-media shows . Globetrotter present their adventures, but also provide recommendations to "join him". An informative stage show with raffle and an active child care round off the range of VIVA TOURISTIKA Rostock round.


Location: HanseMesse Rostock
Only a team that fulfils its tasks with ability and enjoys its work, will accomplish this. Inventive, efficient and professional - this has been confirmed to us time and again - the success of a venue..
联系 Südring 90 D-18059 Rostock , Germany
+49 (03 81) 44 00 0