August 24 - 26, 2015    多伦多 , 加拿大
To overcome delay in publication time of scientific ideas and Innovative thoughts through peer review process which was time consuming, Graduatecentral ( was introduced which a novel initiative is offering immediate publication of project outcomes from graduates all over the world. The platform also offers a forum to the graduates and experts for discussions and dissemination of scientific information to explore their views and knowledge.
Open access journals ( increase the exposure and use of published work, Accelerated discovery, Public enrichment, and improved education. Open peer review allows more civil and constructive peer reviews, Offers reviewers incentives to provide good quality and helpful reviews. Open access with open peer review encourages collaboration between graduates and reviewers, shortens the time between submission and publication so science and knowledge progress at a quicker pace.


Location: Toronto Airport Marriott Hotel
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5716 Corsa Ave, Suite 110 Westlake, Los Angeles CA 91362-7354, USA
