April 25 - 27, 2017    基辅 , 乌克兰
Main event of healthcare industry in Ukraine – an international professional platform for exchange of experience and training that combines powerful scientific-practical program, and the largest in Ukraine specialized exhibitions, the latest achievements of the healthcare industry and pharmaceutical market. International Medical Forum is a complex event that includes: International Healthcare Exhibition MEDICAEXPO – a full range of equipment, tools, instruments, medical products of national and foreign production. International Pharmaceutical Exhibition PHARMAEXPO – drugs, pharmaceutical goods, medical supplies, medical cosmetics, complex equipment of pharmacy services for the pharmaceutical market. International Dental Exhibition DENTALEXPO – dental and dent technical equipment, materials, tools, medical products, clothing and personal protective equipment. And scientific-practical part simultaneously VI INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL CONGRESS - experts have a unique opportunity to participate in symposia, conferences, round tables, seminars, workshops. For the first time within the Forum will be held INTERNATIONAL DENTAL CONGRESS – a key event for specialists of this medical industry, for participants of the dental services market.


Location: Kiev Expo Plaza Exhibition Center
The main activity directions - organization and holding international and national specialized exhibitions, business meetings, companies presentations, conferences and seminars, advertising campaigns,..
联系 st. Salyutna, 2-B, Kyiv 04111, Ukraine Kiev , Ukraine


LMT Company
Ukraine, 03127, Kyiv, 100/2, 40 years of October Ave.


IMF - International Medical Forum April 25 - 27, 2017
IMF - International Medical Forum October 13 - 16, 2014