October 17 - 21, 2012    Namur , Belgien
The Education Fair is fair Belgian educational tools and equipment for teaching.

The Education Fair is open to all areas of education and education: directors / prefects, efficient, teachers, trainers, supervisors, therapists, PMS agents, mediators, librarians, educators, entertainers, and other future ... normaliens education professionals, ... but also to parents who are, of course, an important role in the education of their children.

It brings together over 200 exhibitors specializing in the provision of goods and services to the education sector in the broad sense. It is a very large window covering areas that affect directly or indirectly the education, training and education, including: educational publishing and educational equipment and furniture school furniture office, instructional and teaching materials, technical equipment and professional art supplies, furniture, outdoor, travel, food, languages, computers, audiovisual, multimedia, teacher training, specializations, safety, hygiene, psychomotor, equipment, classrooms, auditoriums, school buildings, scientific equipment, transport, culture, leisure, entertainment for young, extracurricular activities, the school management, prevention, health, education, the environment, children's books, newspapers youth, personnel management, insurance, ... but also help and advice to teachers and other education professionals.

The Salon offers each year nearly 200 lectures, debates and workshops.

These are all opportunities to meet each professional colleagues or other professionals in education, to renew, revitalize its course, to glean ideas, discover all the latest in education, share experiences, confront their ideas, relax, whatever their field, to learn again and again to better teach, coach, guide, lead, etc..

This abundance of resources, tools and solutions helps motivate the sector and to facilitate the task of education professionals w


Location: Namur expo
Kontaktieren Sergeant Avenue Vrithoff 2 5000 Namur , Belgium
+32 (0) 81/47.93.47