June 7 - 10, 2011    London , Reino Unido
The Soldier Technology conference and exhibition is the annual meeting place for national soldier modernisation teams from NATO nations and alliance partners around the world.

Leaders from MoDs, Armies and system integrators use soldier systems conference sessions to communicate progress and plans while their acquisition, R&D, trials and user teams attend the 2-day exhibition to inspect advanced, future soldier technologies for the dismounted, mounted and airborne soldier, marine and special operator.

Over the past 9 years the Soldier Technology conference has become the world’s biggest and best known meeting place for soldier systems professionals consistently attracting an audience of over 500 since 2008 and continues to be a key date in the diary for anyone who needs to keep up to date with the latest developments in international soldier modernisation.


Location: Olympia Conference & Exhibition Centre
The Grand Hall is famous for its stunning Victorian architecture, barrel-vaulted roof, and magnificent galleries. It offers exceptional space and flexibility, as well as plenty of natural daylight...
Contact Hammersmith Road, Kensington, W14 8UX Twickenham , United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 7385 1200

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