17 January, 2013    Cluj Napoca , Eslovenia
The largest career event in the region - education, training and employment opportunities - for employment seekers or those entering labour market for the first time, for school children, pupils, and their parents, students and providers of education, training and employment.

Education and Employment Festival is organized in conjunction with the Employment Service of Slovenia, Celje Regional Office, Celje Regional Chamber of Craft and Small Business, Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry Celje and Development Agency of Savinjska Region (RASR)


Location: Celje Fair Place
Celje Fair Plc is the largest fair organizer in Slovenia with vast experience of organizing fair and other events. Annually we organize between 10 and 15 fair events and dozens of other.Celje Fair Plc..
Contact Dečkova 1 SI -3102 Slovenia Celje , Slovenia
+386 (0)3/5433000