April 22 - 23, 2013
Internal Communication (IC) is unique because it is the only business activity that everyone in your organisation has to do. From the CEO to the cleaner (even if the cleaner is only occasionally saying they need a new mop) every single person – without exception – has to do internal communicating of some kind. This simply isn’t true of any other business activity. Not one. And it makes IC uniquely challenging to manage well, because many people think they already know everything about it: they imagine it requires no specialist knowledge or training to be able to manage it properly. They couldn’t be more wrong.

Understandably, many organisations base their IC management processes on Marketing or Journalism principles. But these are flawed in a surprising number of ways, because they are external communication models.

The Internal Communication Model, on which this course is based, enables you to build a new way of managing IC – from the ground up. Starting with core understandings of IC’s commercial impact, these initial two days will show you how it is now possible to build a compelling business case for new practices. Then you will learn a series of core principles, policies, procedures and performance measures which will enable you to manage IC in a new way – that works properly.

You will be able to distinguish between valid and invalid IC needs, link the valid ones to specific business KPIs, and ensure that the messages are targeted at the right people, every time. You will gain insights into managing cross-border communications, and understand the core principles for integrating IC more effectively into change management. And because IC is increasingly becoming a two-way process you will also come away with a set of protocols for managing collaborative communications – both online and face to face.

The whole programme will strengthen your ability to design effective IC projects, to both manage and


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