October 28 - 29, 2010    Rome , Italy
Business analysis provides the foundation for almost every kind of Business change. The craft of Business Analysis is to investigate the Business, to find its problem hot spots and recommend ways to improve them. Business Analysis is a combination of modelling, systemic thinking, innovating, communicating, root cause analysis, persuasion and several other analytical skills. In short, Business Analysis is about understanding the real Business and providing ways to make it better. The Business analyst is a modeller and a communicator. Models are used to understand the processes, information and behaviours that make up the Business. This understanding is not superficial, but a knowledge of the real, underlying Business policy, and the root cause of any problems within this Business. Further, the analyst must communicate this understanding so that all stakeholders arrive at the same view of their Business. The analyst understands what people do, not what they say they do if he or she is to help bring the Enterprise to its optimal state.

Our Businesses thrive or struggle on the effectiveness of their Business processes, both automated and manual. Businesses with good processes provide better service and are more responsive to their customers. The converse is true. Business analysis is the craft of enlightened improvement to Business systems and processes. Moreover, Business Analysis gives you ways of identifying the areas where improvement projects will yield the highest value. This two-day course in Business Analysis gives you the skills and tools to discover your client's real Business, and to determine and demonstrate the best ways of improving it.


Location: Residenza di Ripetta
Contact via di Ripetta, 231 - 00186 Roma Rome , Italy

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