March 15 - 16, 2012    london , United Kingdom
Cloud Computing is the latest buzzword in enterprise IT shops around the world—but scratch the surface, and Cloud Computing consists of a number of existing trends in IT, including virtualization, Software-as-a-Service, utility computing, and more. Adding to the confusion is a large helping of vendor hype, as both software and hardware vendors push Cloud Computing as an excuse to buy more gear.

The reality, however, is quite different. Cloud Computing presents a variety of operational and deployment models that can help enterprises reduce infrastructure costs, provide better customer value, and position themselves for the future. But organizations won’t succeed with the Cloud unless they understand the strengths and weaknesses of Cloud Computing and have a carefully planned architectural approach that positions Cloud-based capabilities in the context of existing IT assets and challenges.

Learning Objectives

A clear, vendor-independent understanding of Cloud Computing.
A well-delineated conception of the strengths and weaknesses of Cloud’s three service models: Software-as-a-Service, Platform-as-a-Service, and Infrastructure-as-a-Service, as well as Cloud’s four deployment models: public, private, community, and hybrid.
The tools and expertise necessary to put together a Cloud roadmap and migration plan for their organizations.
An understanding of how to place the Cloud into the context of their current Enterprise Architecture.
Practical intelligence and advice on securing the Cloud and putting together a robust Cloud governance framework.


Location: DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel London West End
Contact 92 Southampton Row, London, United Kingdom WC1B 4BH Twickenham , United Kingdom

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