November 4 - 6, 2014    Copenhagen , Denmark
Big Data. One of the most over-used buzzwords in telecoms. But, despite the hype, it remains one of the most under-used assets for driving business improvements and new revenues.

So how can operators capture, process and extract maximum value from the wealth of data at their fingertips?

Big Data Monetisation in Telecoms Northern Europe, the latest event in Telecoms IQ’s expanding Big Data series, is here to help. Learn from pioneering operator use cases how to plan and execute a Big Data strategy that will give you a competitive edge while developing new products, personalising your marketing and even planning your future network investments.

2014 Speakers
Darren Silvester,Jesper Bæk Overgaard ,Geoffrey Zbinden ,Richard Benjamins,Ward Vrijsen and many more...


Location: Radisson Blu Royal Hotel Copenhagen
Contact Hammerichsgade 1, 1611 København, Denmark Copenhagen , Denmark
+45 33 42 60 00


IQPC London
IQPC Ltd, 129 Wilton Road, London SW1V 1JZ
+44 (0) 207 368 9300, 0800 652 2363

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