January 19 - 20, 2011    Bologne , Italie

In Bologna on 19 and 20 January, the seventh edition of MarcabyBolognaFiere - Private Label Conference and Exhibition, the event turned to the world of commercial brand that is accredited as a rendez-vous of excellence for the business community in the field.

A mix of factors that characterize the success of the event looks like an appointment with a strong commercial vocation, in parallel with the role of "platform for training and information" sector that develops the Fair and a series of appointments diluted year.

Unique in the involvement of major international exhibition brands of retail and G that, in addition to being among the protagonists of the Technical Committee, to expose MarcabyBolognaFiere currently insured and highly dynamic event.


MARCAbyBOLOGNAFIERE has successfully closed the 2010 edition of the only Italian event dedicated to private label organized in 2010 with the support of ADM.

4993 of which 495 foreign professionals, 406 exhibitors (20% international) numbers that underscore the success of the event, organized by BolognaFiere, which has a strong interest from operators and foreign buyers.

At the end of the sixth edition of the show is credited as a benchmark of excellence for the business community in the field.

Lieux de Rendez-Vous

Location: Fiera Bologna
Fiera Bologna extends over 375,000 m2 of covered and outdoors areas. Its total services area is 36,000 m2. Its 18 halls are completely wired, air-conditioned and equipped with IT systems, and multiple..
Contact Via della Fiera, 20 - 40127 Bologna , Italy
(+39) 051.282.111

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Marca Bologna January 19 - 20, 2011