May 9 - 12, 2013    Wels , Autriche
Why annually put over 200 national and international exhibitors

Over 44,000 riders and horse lovers from Austria and neighboring countries, the PFERD Wels make every spring the most popular equestrian fair in Austria.

Meet. On affluent equestrian enthusiasts, horse lovers and riders of all disciplines and use the three-day event in Wels support your sales activities and brand advertising The innovative framework program, countless horse experts, the established thoroughbred Arabian Championships, the unique A Quechua Polo Cup and the second edition of the tournament Equus Ovilava provide additional visitors.

Why exhibit
> Here is purchased 78% of visitors come with strong intentions to buy. The ideal condition for good sales and a successful follow-up business. Another 8% decide spontaneously whether purchases are made.

> High quality of visitors:
75% of the visitors are riders - Casual, Western, dressage and show jumping

> Fair participation without wastage: 72% of visitors are horse owners

> Attractive program: 250 Top presentations inspire the audience and ensure good attendance

> Visitors to evaluate the PFERD Wels with the excellent grade of 1.6 - competence and quality is a priority for the organization of this exhibition.

Lieux de Rendez-Vous

Location: Messe Wels
As a trade fair place, Wels is embedded in one of the economically most powerful and environmentally most conscious regions of Europe – Upper Austria in the heart of Central Europe with its economic..
Contact Messehaus 4600 Wels , Austria
+43 (0) 7242 / 9392-0