September 7 - 17, 2012    Strasbourg , フランス
The European Fair will first and foremost enable you to maintain a special relationship with your existing and potential customers. Especially for you, we are creating this exclusive autumn event with a powerful advertising campaign across Alsace and into Germany. In this unique environment, you will be exposed to more than 200,000 potential customers (55% of which make purchases) who spend an average of €346.In 2012, you too can take advantage of this original and effective distribution channel! Join our existing exhibitors, who have an overall satisfaction rate of 80%. At the 2011 fair, they achieved an estimated turnover of €20m.


Location: Parc des expositions du Wacken Strausburg
Parc des Expositions du Wacken is located in block Wacken. Since 1930 more than 1 200 000 people visited Regional and European exhibitions and trade fairs, annually held in Strasburg Exhibition..
連絡先 Place Foire des Expositions 67000 Strasbourg , France
03 88 37 21 21


F.E. - European Fair September 7 - 17, 2012
F.E. - European Fair September 2 - 12, 2011
F.E. - European Fair September 3 - 13, 2010
F.E. - European Fair September 4 - 14, 2009
F.E. - European Fair September 5 - 15, 2008