March 7 - 13, 2010    ベルリン , ドイツ
Canada Meets Germany (CMG) is an active network of young people from across the world who conduct activity to strengthen German-Canadian relations. Members can join the forum by taking part in a CMG Weeklong Seminar. The forthcoming CMG Weeklong Seminar will be held in Berlin from 7th - 13th March 2010 and will have as a theme "Bi-lateral Cooperation on Global Public Goods: The Future of the German-Canadian Relationship".

The international conference is aimed at students, young professionals, economists, diplomatic and political representatives, and civil society practitioners from across the worldand will consist of speeches and panel discussions by leading figures from the fields of politics, diplomacy, civil society, academia, and the private sector. Speakers will offer a range of perspectives on the importance of the German-Canadian co-operations, the challenges ahead, and the new strategies and approaches being taken to address these challenges. The program will aim to produce policy recommendations for the future of German-Canadian relations.

In particular, the seminar will focus on the following areas:

* Engaging with Diversity: Comparative Responses to Multiculturalism and Integration
* Approaches to peacekeeping and humanitarian intervention
* Co-operation on green technologies and protection of the environment
* The history and development of the German-Canadian relationship
* Areas for further co-operation between Canada and Germany

To apply to the program, please visit:

Further information about the program can be found under:


Location: Institute for Cultural Diplomacy
連絡先 Berlin , Germany
