August 31 - September 2, 2012    St. Gallen , スイス
The OBA has been conducted since 1993 by Initivative IWiKO Institute for Economic Communications, St. Gallen, in cooperation with the Office of Vocational Education of the Canton of St. Gallen, the St. Gallen Cantonal trade association and the trade-partner Olma Messen St.Gallen. Since October 2010 YJOO Communications Ltd with management and the project manager appointed.


Location: Olma Messen
連絡先 Postfach, Splügenstr. 12 · 9008 St. Gallen , Switzerland
+41 (0)71/24201-01


OBA - Ostschweizer Bildungs-Ausstellung August 30 - September 3, 2013
OBA - Ostschweizer Bildungs-Ausstellung August 31 - September 2, 2012